About JCS
What is JCS
Arbite Joint Control System (JCS) is a family of electronic modules and software that enable you to rapidly build robotic systems.
Why use JCS
JCS reduces development time:
Spend less time and effort developing electronics and software for your robot or connecting dissimilar systems together.
JCS is a homogeneous system where the electrical and software interfaces to all modules are similar and the configuration of the modules adheres to a consistent design.
JCS enables distributed control:
JCS relaxes network speed and update rate requirements by distributing joint-space control out to the actual hardware where it is needed. The use of distributed control reduces large and bulky wiring bundles that might otherwise be required.
JCS minimises hardware tooling:
JCS uses common hardware blocks and interfaces to minimise wiring and enable fast swapping of devices. An analogue interface on one device has the same connector and pinout as an analogue interface on another device.
Setting and getting data is easy:
JCS has a simple API. Once up and running, getting data into and out of even a complex network is as simple as setting the input signals, calling a function to update jcs_host, then getting the output signals.
How does JCS work
A typical JCS system looks like a group of electronic modules connected to a JCS joint controller, that are physically located near the robotic component of interest.
As an example, you might locate a joint controller, motor controller and feedback sensors near a robotic joint.
Groups of JCS joint controllers are then daisy-chained via high speed link back to a host computer.
In this way, larger robotic systems can be built with only power and network connections required.